Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Day 3

1.) Describe a time in your life when you work especially hard to accomplish a goal.
- it was summer that time and it just came into my mind to look for a job to earn money for the simple reason that i want to buy something. Because of my goal to have a job, I contact a person whom I don't know totally without fear of what will happen after.

2.) Why was it important for you to keep working towards this goal?
- it is important for me because I want to earn money that time so that I can buy something in my own effort and also to share a little from my income to my family.

3.) Describe the times when you felt like giving up.
- it was my first day that time to work and I was shocked of the kind of work they have maybe because it was my first time, but I can't control myself to cry and think of giving up.

4.) What motivated you to keep going?
- my family, eventhough I want to quit but when I think of them it makes me feel and realize that I need to work hard for them. They are my strenght and energy to go on and continue what I have started.

5.) Which people or events helped you?
-the around me, my friends and also my family.

6.) What make it really hard for you to keep going?
- my attitude, being a negative thinker and also being lazy sometimes.

7.) How did it feel to continue your work when it is difficult to do so?
- feeling so empty, like I am just playing in my life. Like I'm just joking myself entering in this kind of life.

8.) How did you feel when you had accomplish your task?
- happy ofcourse. I feel like I am already a matured and independent person. That I can already stand in my own and do what I want to do.

9.) Do you think that courage and perseverance go hand in hand? Why?
- yes, because if you have the courage you will do anything just to gain or to have that purpose or goal in your life.

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