Wednesday, April 21, 2010

day 2 by: wilfred duran

1.) Describe a time in your life when you work especially hard to accomplish a goal.
- it was the time when i applied as a working student in spud.

2.) Why was it important for you to keep working towards this goal?-
- it was very important for me to do such thing so that i could still study and would not waste time that could end up loosing interests in not studying anymore.

3.) Describe the times when you felt like giving up.-
- i was trying to end it all up, my studies and my future just because of an unreasonable personal problem. I always cried quietly, moan all the time and sometimes loose myself at times of confusing thoughts.

4.) What motivated you to keep going?-
- i just tried to control myself and think wisely, some would say that i'm an unusual person to pray but one thing that keeps me going is where i could find comfort in asking blessings from God.

5.) Which people or events helped you?
- actually its hard understanding how would you live without someone or nobody accepts what are you trying to let them understand. But maybe it was just pride. People who would comfort me at all time are my friends but yes you could never really trust them but instead as what your family would let you realize how important it is to become united.

6.) What make it really hard for you to keep going?- my pride, weaknesses, clumsyness, and a negative thinker all the time.

7.) How did it feel to continue your work when it is difficult to do so?
- feeling so alone, it will always be true that you will be having difficulty when you feel numb and always being immature all the time. It felt like that i'm not part of this world.

8.) How did you feel when you had accomplish your task?
- what i've accomplish was to become mature and responsible but i'm still trying to be one. Succeeding in any accomplishment will always keep you happy.

9.) Do you think that courage and perseverance go hand in hand? Why?
- having self confidence and courage will keep you advocated to become more responsible to avoid failures. Seeing the turn of events of failure we try to accomodate the realities and we also try to think wisely and yet putting lessons to the failures we have made.

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