Wednesday, April 21, 2010

day 1 by: wilfred duran

What is courage for me?

Courage for me is when you face danger, fear, and when you also have confidence on certain things that you’re afraid of or having the guts to be not frightened to do a certain event; I may also call it bravery.

Courage is when you do certain things that clearly motivate you to have confidence; you also try to confront the danger, risk, and fear. Having the courage to do something isn’t hard but sometimes one thing that prevails actually is when you face the reality of maybe it would create a negative aspect for someone or even yourself. There’s no harm actually in trying but sometimes we need to realize that we must think first when we act.

What is moral courage? It is actually doing the right thing because it is the right thing to do. Sometimes it’s hard to understand why we need to do the right thing because we let our mind think as if it’s a responsibility that has a price, in exchange of your deed. Doing the right thing will always have an outcome and it will always be positive. Something different though, is when you choose to do the right thing because you just want to avoid scandals or something that would create gossips to someone.

What is moral cowardice? It is something that accepts an evil God just to avoid his/her pain, it may be physical pain or emotional. For me, it’s immoral but I don’t want to condemn others perspective because in my own perception we build a gap through the faith of our fidelity of trusting our one and only God.

There are times when you try to give up and you wanted to end up your problems by not facing the reality and yet you still end up unsuccessful because it would still hunt you until it will be recovered. Facing the situation isn’t the problem but accepting the reality that you’re irresponsible is a big insult. Accepting it was the right thing to do, hard but it created a positive outcome because it served as a lesson and it would be a reason to surpass something that you might feel adequately fresh with resemblance that may lead you to the right path.

Wilfred Joseph F. Duran BSED - III

1 comment:

  1. Site examples in your life wherein you have practiced/experienced ... courage..... moral courage... and moral cowardice....
