Wednesday, April 21, 2010

day 2

1. Describe a time in your life when you worked specially hard to accomplish a goal.
-When I decided to run as the SK Chairman for 2007 Barangay elecitons, my goal was to win for the position and serve my fellow youth so I worked so hard and campaigned before the election.

2. Why was it important for you to keep working towards this goal?
-It is very important for me to keep working towards my goal because I really want it. If I won't work for it, I will never be able to have it.

3. Describe the times when you felt like giving up.
-I almost gave up because of some personal and family problems especially the financial aspects. I almost lose hope to continue with my goal.

4. What motivated you to keep going?
-The thought that the youth in our barangay trusted and needed me served as my motivation to keep going.

5. Which people or event helped you?
-As what I have mentioned above, the youth in our barangay helped me to never lose hope to continue reaching my goal.

6. What made it really hard for you to keep going?
-It was hard to manage my time since I am studying in Dumaguete and my hometown is Jimalalud which is 98 kms away from the city.

7. How did it feel to continue your work when it was difficult to do so?
-It was really not easy but I just think of it as a challenge that I should face before I could reach my goal.

8. How did you feel when you had accomplished your task?
-I was very happy that the youth in our barangay trusted me and voted me to be their Sk chairman. My task is not yet done until now, I still have to serve them and give them my time and effort.

9. Do you think that courage and perseverance go hand in hand?
-Yes, because these two values help us become determined in pursuing our goals in life.

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