Friday, April 23, 2010

what is your realization after reading Mr.Braile's life story and his disability? answer: (wilfred)

Its very hard to live with a disability, most specially when you are blind, you don't even got a chance to see how beautiful and colorful the world is. Trying to understand with his situation i've learned that its hard adjusting with the fact that we must learn to survive by our own way. I'm trully amazed by his works because he has done something remarkable that a normal person can't even do. What i'm trying to pertain is that i as a normal human being having the complete senses, i just can't understand why people having disabilities have to be more blessed than we are but what i have come to realize is that we normal persons just don't know how to use our skills. Another thing is that people who have disabilities are highly motivated because of their situation.

Mr. Braille has given a very big contribution to the people who has been needing his invention and people under his situation is trully blessed for they don't have to have dificulty in some certain things like reading their name.

Day 4(Steady Eddy-Celebral Palsy)

Steady Eddy is the stage name of Christopher Widdows, an Aystrian comedian and actor with Celebral palsy. Initially, Widdows used his disability as the basis for his comedy. Having since made a name for himself, he has branched out beyond humour based solely around his disability.

1992 - his career began, with appearances on Australia TV\s Nine Network The Midday Show and days later, Seven Network's Tonight Live with Steve Vizard.

1993 - saw him touring with his show, "Ready Steady Go!"
1994 - brought the International Melbourne Comedy Festival where has was rewarded with a Young Austrian Achivers Award.
1999 - Steady Eddy was master of ceremonies for the national tour by supergroup Midnight Oil.
2004 - Eddy co-starred as Trevor in the Austrian made comedy.

This had not been the kind of rock 'n' roll gig Steady Eddy prefers. A comic who suffers from celebral palsy and whose condition is an integral part of his act, can't always count on the sympathy factor when it comes to playing for laughs. He was working as a Navy storeman when he saw his sister perform at Sydney's Comedy Store and thought he'd try open-mike spot himself. He got more comfident as his material became more outrageous. Aged 25, he is currently in possession of Australia's awards for Best New Wave Comic, Best Stand-up Performer and Best Comedy Album.

He may be at pains to be seen as a taboo-breaker, but he is just as intensely aware of his marketability. Ask him why his material concentrates almost exclusively on his disability and you receive two replies. First, The comedy's got to come from your own personal experiences; if it doesn't, it's not you, it's manufactured.

He recalls his childhood: 'My teachers told me I had to be inconspicuous to fit into the mainstream of society...yet every every morning a bus would pick me up with 'Spastic Center' written down the side.' Instead of berating him, perhaps we should just recognize that this is one brave disabled man's attempt to stand up and be counted.

when did i have courage, moral courage & moral cowardice?

when i had the courage to tell the truth from speaking out, who stole my mothers money. Its something that you will feel guilty of not telling the truth. Its bad that you would steal from someones money and so I had felt something moral because it bothered my conscience that i have done the right thing but the wrong thing though when it lasted for almost two days after I told the truth. . . .

agatha christie

Agatha Christie was a prolific and extremely popular British author and playwright best known for her work in the murder mystery genre. From her first novel in 1920, The Mysterious Affair at Styles, to the reprints of her novels that still appear today, some 30 years after her death, Agatha Christie's works have enjoyed unparalleled success. But while Christie and her favorite characters, Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple, have become icons of "who dunnit" detective fiction, the scope of Christie's popularity is such that that sales of her books have not only surpassed that of any other mystery writer, but of all other writers of any genre. Not even William Shakespeare has been so widely read. In fact, according to the Guinness Book of World Records over 2 billion copies of her books have sold and her works have been translated into more than 100 languages. Only the Christian Bible has outstripped her in readership.

Agatha Christie - Had a learning disability called dysgraphia, which prevented an understood or legible written work. As a result, all materials had to be dictated to a typist/transcriptionist.

It is official: famous mystery novelist Agatha Christie suffered from Alzheimer's.

Lancashire, who is a professor of English, and Hirst, who is a computer scientist, have combined humanities and science to give conclusive proof of Agatha's Alzheimer's-related dementia during the final years of her life.But she was old when she got her sickness called alzheimer's, when she was young, she had a sickness called epilepsy but there are rare documentations that has not been published yet about her epilepsy.

As what i have understood from what i have read from the different informations given by the net is that:

Having Epilepsy should not be a barrier to your aspirations and dreams. You can be whatever you want to be. You can achieve your goals if you stay positive…. don’t dwell on what you can’t do, focus your efforts on what you can do.

there's one article though said that (about agatha christie) one thing that keeps her being motivated was her family.

There are a lot of illness and failures that came to her life but still she kept forcing herself but she really loves her work, its actually one thing that would make you excel, its actually the love and interest of your work.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


..when his father and mother get separated and he became the oldest man of the family then. Through fighting his disability. Eventhough he is not that good in his academic but still he tried his best to finish his studies. He even join a wrestling team but because of an injury he decided to do something else and that is acting. He does not think of his disability, instead he just act and think that he is a normal person despite of his disability. As a future teacher, I realize that if ever I have this kind of students in my class I should not treat them or judge them because of their disabilities. Instead, I will give more attention to them, for them to think that they belong to the class despite of their disability. Patience is important this time.

MICHAEL J. FOX-- is an Emmy award-winning Canadian American actor, author and voice over artist. with a film and television career spanning from 1970s to the present. fox was diagnosed with Parkinsons disease in 1991, and disclosed his condition to the public in1998. fox semi-retired from acting in 200 as the symptoms of his disease worsened. he has since become an advocate for research towards finding a cure. this led him to create the michael j. foundation. in recent years he had guest starred on various television shows and appeared as himself in Emmy nominated prime time special Michael J Fox: Adventures Of An Incurable Optimism( a personal journey of hope) in may 2009. parkinsons disease os a chronic neurological disorder which can be characterized by four cardinal symptom: rigidity, resting tremor, postural instability, and bradykinesia( slow movement). at present there is no cure but medications provide some relief from the symptoms. in his lucky memoir, lucky man fox wrote that he did not take his medication prior to his testimony " i had made a deliberate choice to appear before the sub committee without medication. it seemed to me that this occasion demanded that my testimony about the effects of the disease, and the urgency we as a community were feeling, be seen as well as heard

louis braille was the inventor -- was the inventor of a worldwide system used by blind and visually impaired people for reading and writing. braille is reads by passing the fingers over characters made up of an arrangement of one to six embossed points. it has been adapted to almost every known language.

brailles young life

he became blind at the age of 3, when he accidentally poked himself in the eye with a stitching awl, one of his fathers workshop tools. the injury wasn't thought to be serious until it got infected. braille's other eye went blind because of symphathetic ophthalmia.
at the young age of 10, braille earned a scholarship to the national institute for the blind in paris.
one of the first of it's kind in the world. braille a bright and creative students, become a talented cellist and organist in his time at the school, playing the organ for churches all over france. at the school the children were taught basic craftsman skill and simple trades. they were also taught how to read by feeling raised letters

development of the braille

in 1821 charles barbier a former captain in the french army, visited the school. barbier shared his invention called " night writing " a code of 12 raised dots and a number of dashes that let soldiers share top secret information on the battlefield without having to speak. the code was too difficult for louis to understand and he later changed the numbers of raised dots to 6 to form what we today call braille. the same year louis braille began inventing his raised dot system with his father stitching awl, the same implement that with which he had blinded himself, finishing at the age of 15. braille later extended his system to include the notation for mathematics and music. the first book in braille was published in 1829 under the title Method of Writing Words, and plain Songs by MEans of dots for the use by the blind and arranged for them.
braille became a well respected teacher at the institute. although he was admired and respeced by his pupils, his writing was not taught at the institute during his lifetime. the air at the institute was foul and he died in paris of tuberculosis in 1851 at the age of 43: his body was disinterred in 1952 and honored with re-interment on the pantheon in paris. his system was finally recognized in france 2 years after his death.

day 5________friday

Helen Adams Keller

(june 27’ 1880) was an American author, political activist and lecturer. She was the first deaf blind person to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree. The story of how keller’s teacher, Anne sulivan, broke through the isolation imposed by a near complete lack of language, allowing the girl to blossom as she learned to communicate, he has become known worldwide through the dramatic depiction’s of the play and film The Miracle Worker.

Early childhood and illness

Helen Adams Keller was born on the plantation called Ivy Green in Tuscumbia, Alabama, on june 27, 1880. The family originates from Switzerland, Helen keller was not born blind and deaf, it was not until she was 19 months old that she contracted an illness describe by doctors as “ an acute congestion of the stomach and the brain “ which might have been scarlet fever or meningitis. The illness did not last for a particularly long time, but it left her deaf and blind. Anne sulivan arrived at keller’s house in march 1887, and immediately began to teach Helen to communicate by spelling words into her hand, beginning with d-o-l-l for the doll that she had brought keller as present. Starting in may 1888, keller attended the Perkins Institute for the Blind. In 1892 helen keller and anne sulivan moved to New York to attend the Wright-humason School for the Deaf and Horace mann School for the Deaf. In 1896 they returned to Massachusetts and keller entered The Cambridge School for Young Ladies before gaining admittance, in 1900, to Radcliffe College. Keller went on to become a world-famous speaker and author. She is remembered as an advocate for people with disabilities amid numerous other causes. Keller wrote a total of 12 published books and several articles. Keller suffered a series of strikes in 1961 and spent the last years of her life at her home. Keller devoted much of her later life to raising funds for the American Foundation for the Blind. She died in her sleep on June 1, 1968 at her home. Kellers life has been interpreted many times, she appeared in a silent film, Deliverance (1919), which told her story in a melodramatic, allegorical style. She was also the subject of the documentaries Helen Keller in Her Story, narrated by Katharine Comell, and The Story of Helen Keller, part of the famous Americans series produced by Hearst Entertainment.

Day 4 (Tom Cruise - Dyslexia)


It may be hard to believe that one of the world's most famous actors was once just as average as everyone else, but such was the case with Tom Cruise. Tom was born on July 3, 1962 in Syracuse, New York. He was the third of four children, and the only son of Mary Lee and Thomas Mapother IV. He's father, an electrical engineer, was constantly looking for work during Tom's childhood. As a result, Tom and the rest of his family never had the opportunity to settle down in one place. Their constantly moving around was hard on the family, and especially hard to Tom. Tom never spent a lot of time any one school because the family moved around a lot. Not long after settling into Glen Ridge, NJ, Tom's parents divorced. Tom's mother was given custody of the children and the tight economic situation became even tighter for the family. With no older brothers, Tom was now the oldest man in the house, although still only a 12 year old boy.

In addition to problems at home, Tom like his mother, suffered from dyslexia. Tom is right handed when writing, but does most things left handed. Being dyslexic was yet another obstacle standing in the way of Tom's education. He was into the remedial classes at school. Not excelling in school, Tom entered a seminary for the priesthood at the age of 14. Tom left not long afterwards, and enrolled in Glen Ridge High School. Tom continued to struggle academically during his high school years. Tom joined the wristling team however, after suffering a serious injury he decided to do something else. That something else was acting.

He was diagnosed as dyslexic at seven, and tired to hide his learning disability from the other children at school. He has described his younger self as "a functional illiterate", through high school and his first several films. Explaining how such a functionally illiterate man can possibly make a good impression at auditions, he said, "I'd get the director and producer to talk about the characters and the film. I'd glean information from them and I'd use that... I got preety good at ad-libbing".

According to Spanish magazine XL Semanal, Cruise was frustrated and bored as a youth and coudn't concentrate in class. He was functionally illiterate when he graduated from school in 1980.

Honesty! Advisory to Everyone!!!

Hello Majors, i see that you have submitted some of your requirements... but what i have noticed or the way i look at it, some of you are just copying (copy and paste) or some other person are doing your write ups.... where's the honesty now? Soon you are going to be teachers, and being so, you have to practice honesty in everything you do. It makes me sad by the way i see it. It defeats the purpose of why we doing this. So please be original. Be yourself. And don't make me repeat what i have said because I wont. You know where it will reflect. Thank You!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

day 2

1. Describe a time in your life when you worked specially hard to accomplish a goal.
-When I decided to run as the SK Chairman for 2007 Barangay elecitons, my goal was to win for the position and serve my fellow youth so I worked so hard and campaigned before the election.

2. Why was it important for you to keep working towards this goal?
-It is very important for me to keep working towards my goal because I really want it. If I won't work for it, I will never be able to have it.

3. Describe the times when you felt like giving up.
-I almost gave up because of some personal and family problems especially the financial aspects. I almost lose hope to continue with my goal.

4. What motivated you to keep going?
-The thought that the youth in our barangay trusted and needed me served as my motivation to keep going.

5. Which people or event helped you?
-As what I have mentioned above, the youth in our barangay helped me to never lose hope to continue reaching my goal.

6. What made it really hard for you to keep going?
-It was hard to manage my time since I am studying in Dumaguete and my hometown is Jimalalud which is 98 kms away from the city.

7. How did it feel to continue your work when it was difficult to do so?
-It was really not easy but I just think of it as a challenge that I should face before I could reach my goal.

8. How did you feel when you had accomplished your task?
-I was very happy that the youth in our barangay trusted me and voted me to be their Sk chairman. My task is not yet done until now, I still have to serve them and give them my time and effort.

9. Do you think that courage and perseverance go hand in hand?
-Yes, because these two values help us become determined in pursuing our goals in life.


1. What is moral courage to you?
All of us have this inner strengths and courage is one of these. Courage for me is the strength we have in ourselves which makes us able to fight for something. I could also relate having courage to being brave since it also talks about how a person fights for something he/she wants.

2. What is moral courage?
Moral, as what I have understood, has something to do with our faith in God. It talks about how an individual lives his or her life accordingly. It should be in accordance to how God wants us to live. Therefor, moral courage for me is about how a person have this courage to fight evil and choose what is right from wrong.

scenes which strucked me most

1. The scene which strucked me most was when he applied for about 24 schools but then none of them accepted him but when he applied for the 25th, he was accepted.- I was touched by this scene because he showed his determination to be a teacher. Though there were a lot of people who discriminated him, he never gave up because he really wants to reach his dream.

2. The scene when he was in a concert and he was asked by the teacher to go up the stage and let him explain why he is acting such behavior and after that he was accepted by the students as a normal person.- In this scene, he showed courage in facing the rest of the students and explained his condition and it is not easy to do this. We should not judge and make fun of people the same with his condition because it is not easy to be living like them.

movie review

The story is about a boy named Brad who have a Tourette Syndrome. The parents of Brad were separated and Brad with his brother stayed mostly to their mom. One time the father of Brad cannot understand the condition of his son. The father told his son to always remember to have self control in order to live a normal life. During his elementary years he was a softball player. In his class he made noise then his classmate always laughs at him. One teacher allowed him to go at the musical concert, then the teacher called Brad to go to the stage and explain his condition, why he makes some noise during musical concert. Finally the students of their school accepted him as a normal person. Brad grew up with his tourette syndrome but he continue applying into different schools. Sometimes he likes to give up at the last interview it was a good interview they've talked for almost two hours talking about his teaching philosophies. When he was teaching the students someone called him weirdo and laughed during his class. His students have so many questions and he answered it well and his students loved him so much. He was awarded as teacher of the year and he was married to her girlfriend named Nancy.

day 2 by: wilfred duran

1.) Describe a time in your life when you work especially hard to accomplish a goal.
- it was the time when i applied as a working student in spud.

2.) Why was it important for you to keep working towards this goal?-
- it was very important for me to do such thing so that i could still study and would not waste time that could end up loosing interests in not studying anymore.

3.) Describe the times when you felt like giving up.-
- i was trying to end it all up, my studies and my future just because of an unreasonable personal problem. I always cried quietly, moan all the time and sometimes loose myself at times of confusing thoughts.

4.) What motivated you to keep going?-
- i just tried to control myself and think wisely, some would say that i'm an unusual person to pray but one thing that keeps me going is where i could find comfort in asking blessings from God.

5.) Which people or events helped you?
- actually its hard understanding how would you live without someone or nobody accepts what are you trying to let them understand. But maybe it was just pride. People who would comfort me at all time are my friends but yes you could never really trust them but instead as what your family would let you realize how important it is to become united.

6.) What make it really hard for you to keep going?- my pride, weaknesses, clumsyness, and a negative thinker all the time.

7.) How did it feel to continue your work when it is difficult to do so?
- feeling so alone, it will always be true that you will be having difficulty when you feel numb and always being immature all the time. It felt like that i'm not part of this world.

8.) How did you feel when you had accomplish your task?
- what i've accomplish was to become mature and responsible but i'm still trying to be one. Succeeding in any accomplishment will always keep you happy.

9.) Do you think that courage and perseverance go hand in hand? Why?
- having self confidence and courage will keep you advocated to become more responsible to avoid failures. Seeing the turn of events of failure we try to accomodate the realities and we also try to think wisely and yet putting lessons to the failures we have made.

day 1 by: wilfred duran

What is courage for me?

Courage for me is when you face danger, fear, and when you also have confidence on certain things that you’re afraid of or having the guts to be not frightened to do a certain event; I may also call it bravery.

Courage is when you do certain things that clearly motivate you to have confidence; you also try to confront the danger, risk, and fear. Having the courage to do something isn’t hard but sometimes one thing that prevails actually is when you face the reality of maybe it would create a negative aspect for someone or even yourself. There’s no harm actually in trying but sometimes we need to realize that we must think first when we act.

What is moral courage? It is actually doing the right thing because it is the right thing to do. Sometimes it’s hard to understand why we need to do the right thing because we let our mind think as if it’s a responsibility that has a price, in exchange of your deed. Doing the right thing will always have an outcome and it will always be positive. Something different though, is when you choose to do the right thing because you just want to avoid scandals or something that would create gossips to someone.

What is moral cowardice? It is something that accepts an evil God just to avoid his/her pain, it may be physical pain or emotional. For me, it’s immoral but I don’t want to condemn others perspective because in my own perception we build a gap through the faith of our fidelity of trusting our one and only God.

There are times when you try to give up and you wanted to end up your problems by not facing the reality and yet you still end up unsuccessful because it would still hunt you until it will be recovered. Facing the situation isn’t the problem but accepting the reality that you’re irresponsible is a big insult. Accepting it was the right thing to do, hard but it created a positive outcome because it served as a lesson and it would be a reason to surpass something that you might feel adequately fresh with resemblance that may lead you to the right path.

Wilfred Joseph F. Duran BSED - III

movie review and reflection by: wilfred duran

Movie Review

The movie about Brad Cohen is a particular movie that pertains to an inspiring story that talks about some realities of life that would somehow relate to some events in our lives. This is actually a true story about Brad Cohen, he was still young when he discovered his sickness, and he noticed a very unusual movement it was like his having a hick up all the time but it was not said that he is not normal, but he is even intelligent in certain ways. It was truly unacceptable when he knew that there was no cure to this kind of sickness, so he might have to live in it the sickness called Tourette syndrome. It’s actually a rare kind of sickness that has a neurological disorder found in the brain. In school he was considered as a “joker” or somehow even called a “clown” because of his act. A lot of people couldn’t understand what he is having even his teachers so he is always sent to the principal’s office crying but he was not given sympathy all the time. His very lucky to have his mother to comfort him at times of problem but the sad part was that his father couldn’t accept his sickness also, because Mr. Cohen is a kind of person that could fix everything except through his son’s disorder. But as time passes he tried to realize that it was not Brad Cohen’s fault that he had that sickness but maybe it was him who gave it to his son.

Brad Cohen was sent to different schools that could maybe accept him of what he really is having until such time in one school; again still his teachers couldn’t understand why he was so irritating to interrupt their lesson so he was sent to the principal’s office. Questions were asked about his sickness and then brad clearly and politely explained. So as the principal finished asking he asked Brad to join and watch the musical concert on that afternoon and Brad is expected to be there as the principal favored him to do so. The program was actually about listening to the music quietly but as soon as the musical concert started brad’s irritating hick-ups drives the audience crazy, as soon as the music ends, the principal made some comments about what just happened and so he asked Brad to come up on stage to explain. So Brad politely explained it to them and so the mad crowd started to understand why, the only thing that brad wanted was to be treated normally not bullied around by those students who are ignorant. The audience was shocked and felt sympathy to the child. It was truly inspiring for Brad to be accepted in that school because of that certain principal who knows how to handle things that are quite confusing for others to understand.

Brad loves to learn, learning was his passion and it created a dedication to finish a profession of becoming a teacher. Its really hard living with a Tourette syndrome planted in your brain, Brad was even having a hard time reading because the “hick-ups” starts to tolerate but it didn’t stop him to keep going. As soon as he graduated, more challenges approaches. He had a good background, it really shows how determined he is to become a teacher. He had a hard time looking for a job not because of his resume or his background of being a student teacher before the only thing that matters was his Tourette syndrome. He was always called for an interview, there were good times and there were bad times, but it was not really going on for him that time, he was almost broke, there are really times that he would certainly give up because of his sickness. So in order to keep going he needs money but it didn’t mean he would ask for one, so he applied a job to his father. Almost all the schools found in each town in their state were applied by brad. Until such time, he got his last interview across town it was a good interview they’ve lasted and talked for almost two hours talking about his teaching philosophies etc… again he educated them about tourette syndrome but the principal and the assistant principal was not minding the sickness at all they were more focused on how he would teach and let his students learn from him. As what his step mother had said to him he would not consider tourette as a sickness but as a gift for him to exceed success. And yet he was called twice on that certain school it was not the principal who interviewed him that day it was the faculty teachers, and so as the teachers not knowing he has a disorder, one teacher asked how would he teach his students to learn while having that certain disorder. So Brad explained politely with wise explanation, and yet it was a good interview. It was not just that was going on for him, he had even met a girl in the net, this girl that he had met was different from the others, and this girl accepted Brad as if he has no tourette. They even have their common favourite artists. Everything was preferably going on for brad despite of those trials that came. He got the job; he is now Mr. Cohen the second grade teacher, on his first day he was called as a “weirdo” teacher but as soon as Brad had educated them with his tourette, his students come to realize that it was not irritating at all. Brad applied different strategies as what he had learnt before; he also prescribed discipline to his class. One sad thing though, when one of his class died because of another sickness.

There are a lot of things that brad isn’t allowed to join or do, but living with an imperfect life isn’t that difficult as long as you have the determination; one thing that keeps him from not falling was his family. Brad has patience, humility, courage, self confidence, passion to teach, dedication, respect, acceptance, and motivation. And so not far behind his first year as a second grade teacher he was awarded as the best teacher of the year and got married with Mary that he had met in the net. As time passes his succeeding life is excelling not knowing tourette as a sickness but as a gift.

Wilfred Joseph F. Duran BSED - III

My reflection

I’ve come to realize that a teacher having a student like Brad Cohen is difficult yet they are sent to school to learn and be educated as we are. For me, it is certainly a fact that we must treat them normally, yet I’m very lucky to know this kind of people so that I would learn to accept and would also let people understand why there are persons different from us. As long as he/she is willing to learn any knowledge and I as a teacher would definitely make ways to let them strive hard and surpass things that are needed to reach success.

What has trucked me most in the movie was when Brad Cohen won Best teacher of the year, despite of his sufferings and trials he had reached a goal that a normal teacher could not.

Knowledge isn’t actually for the rich or who has the normal intellect but it’s for everyone who shares a difference of counting the blessings of God, each and every one of us has a good destination but only on the right choice we make.

Wilfred Joseph F. Duran BSED - III

Famous Person with Epilepsy

Epilepsy is a common chronic neurological disorder that is characterized by recurrent unprovoked seizures. These seizures are transient signs and/or symptoms due to abnormal, excessive or synchronous neuronal activity in the brain.
Epilepsy is usually controlled, but not cured, with medication, although surgery may be considered in difficult cases.
The diagnosis of epilepsy requires that the seizures be unprovoked, with the implication that the provocant is assumed to be something obviously harmful. However, in some epilepsy syndromes, the provocant can reasonably be considered to be part of normal daily life. Examples of these normal provocants include reading, hot water on the head, hyperventilation, and flashing or flickering lights.
There are many different epilepsy syndromes, each presenting with its own unique combination of seizure type, typical age of onset, EEG findings, treatment, and prognosis.
Epilepsy is usually treated with medication prescribed by a physician; primary caregivers, neurologists, and neurosurgeons all frequently care for people with epilepsy. In some cases the implantation of a stimulator of the vagus nerve, or a special diet can be helpful. Neurosurgical operations for epilepsy can be palliative, reducing the frequency or severity of seizures; or, in some patients, an operation can be curative.
Vincent van Gogh - (1853 - 1890) Vincent Van Gogh was a passionate artist who strongly believed that all expressions should be expressed through colors. He was heard saying that all he ever wanted to do with his life was paint all that came to his mind. He also said that when he would be deceased he would look back at his life and cry for the paintings that he could of created. Being the loving and creative man that he was his epilepsy had once caused him to run after his friends with an open razor, he ended up cutting his own ear lobe off. He eventually shot himself "For the good of all" leaving behind all the colorful paintings he had made.


Why did you insert you answer under comment???  you have to post your own.... please ask assistance....

Day 3


Composer and musician. Although he wasn't born deaf, he did lose his hearing at an early age. It is said also that after his first public performance of his ninth symphony he cried when he was turned around in order to see the audience's response to the music. His musical talent was recognized early and had even met Mozart in 1787 and had wanted to study under him in 1796, but Mozart had died a year earlier. Instead, he atudied under Joseph Haydn. He went on to live a full life as composer and musician.


At a very early age, Beethoven received violin and piano lessons from hid father.At the age of 8, he studied theory and keyboard, local organist.

Teenage Years:

He was the assistant of Christian Gottlob Neefe. He was sent to Vienna for unknown reasons. Two weeks later, he returned home because his mother died of tuberculosis.

Early Adult Years:

He studied with Haydn thier personality did not mix well. He studied with Johann Georg Albrechtsberger.

Mid Adult Years:

In 1800 he performed his symphony and a septet(op.20) While still in 20's he became deaf. He wanted to hide his impairment from the world. Determined to overcome his disability, he wrote symphonies 2,3 and 4 before 1806.

Late Adult Years:

He's fame began to pay off; he soon found himself prosperous. In 1827, he died of dropsy.

His Deafness

By the time Beethoven was 28, he began to notice hearing loss. At first it was slight. He coudn't hear the church's bell from the distance. As he got older his hearing loss worsened. By the time he was 50 he was completely deaf. How sad and strange that one of the most greatest composers could not hear his own music. Even more amazing is that he wrote some of the world's greatest music eventhough he could not hear a note of it.

He was so angry and sad over his deafness that he thought of killing his self. He even wrote a suicide note to his brother explaning why he will going to kill himself. Thankfully, he didn't go through with it. He would learn to cope with his handicap and with go on to write some of the world's greatest music.

To hear sounds, Beethoven cut off the legs of his piano and place the instruments on the floor. He did this to feel the vibrations in the floor when he played.

Beethoven wrote lots of piano music. Listen to Moonlight Sonata to get a musical idea of how sad Beethven must have felt over his deafness.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Day 3

1.) Describe a time in your life when you work especially hard to accomplish a goal.
- it was summer that time and it just came into my mind to look for a job to earn money for the simple reason that i want to buy something. Because of my goal to have a job, I contact a person whom I don't know totally without fear of what will happen after.

2.) Why was it important for you to keep working towards this goal?
- it is important for me because I want to earn money that time so that I can buy something in my own effort and also to share a little from my income to my family.

3.) Describe the times when you felt like giving up.
- it was my first day that time to work and I was shocked of the kind of work they have maybe because it was my first time, but I can't control myself to cry and think of giving up.

4.) What motivated you to keep going?
- my family, eventhough I want to quit but when I think of them it makes me feel and realize that I need to work hard for them. They are my strenght and energy to go on and continue what I have started.

5.) Which people or events helped you?
-the around me, my friends and also my family.

6.) What make it really hard for you to keep going?
- my attitude, being a negative thinker and also being lazy sometimes.

7.) How did it feel to continue your work when it is difficult to do so?
- feeling so empty, like I am just playing in my life. Like I'm just joking myself entering in this kind of life.

8.) How did you feel when you had accomplish your task?
- happy ofcourse. I feel like I am already a matured and independent person. That I can already stand in my own and do what I want to do.

9.) Do you think that courage and perseverance go hand in hand? Why?
- yes, because if you have the courage you will do anything just to gain or to have that purpose or goal in your life.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Day 1

1. What is courage to you?
-courage for me is when a person wants to do something or an act of doing, without hesitation, without fear, without even thinking of what will going to happen or what will be the result after the action a person does.

2. What is moral courage?
- moral courage is an act of doing something you know that is right. You don't even think of yourself of what will happen to you, all you want to do is to help. You don't expect of something or an exchange after the action you made.

3. What are some historic and recent example of moral courage and moral cowardice?
- example:
>In the story of Cathy James, there was a boy who was being bullied on by some kids in the smoking section. Right as a teacher was about to stop the harmful game, a school girl beat him to it. She was a perfect example of moral courage. You should use moral courage because it helps people get out of situations and you will probably be thanked at the end.
> If someone were to crash in the middle of the road you wouldn’t think about the passing cars, and you would just run in.

Friday, April 16, 2010

the scene that struct me most

the scene that struck me must is when he is rejected for 24 times when he applied and when he won the best teacher of the year

- i choose this scenes becuase despite of his tourette and his rejection to 24 schools he never surenders and continue to apply until he found one. his disability is not his hindrance to pursue his dream of becoming a teacher.despite of his ability and the negative thoughts of people he still won the best teacher of the year.

movie review

the story is about a boy named Brad Cohen who had a tourette syndrome tourette syndrome is a neurological disorder, a dcondition in which somebody experiences multiple tics and twitches and sometimes utters involuntary vocal grunts and obscene speech. since he is in grade school he has this disorder, teacher and other people around him except his mother and brother thought that he is only misbehaving, what they dont know is that brad has this disorder that he cannot control. he is always called in the principal's office because they don't understand brad until one day one of his teacher called him and ask him some question infront of the entire students of the school. after this event brad was accepted by is co-students and teachers. he finish his studies and become a teacher. after he graduated he tried to look for a job but no school accepted him because of his tourette syndrome. his brother visited her and they went to a golf club were they are kicked out because of brads disorder, and his brother convinced him to try to look for a partner via inetrnet, he found a simple girl who accepted him despite if his disorder. his family supported and his girlfriend supported him until he foiund a school who will accept him as a teaher, he teaches 2nd grade, at first teachers thought that he cannot teach,after a few months he was loved by his students and co teacher and become the best teacher of the year.jhe and his girlfriend got married and he continues his life long dream of teaching......

the end

movie review

Thursday, April 15, 2010

movie review

Years have passed, and Mr. Brad Cohen already mature and starts looking for a job to teach, yes, he loves to teach despite of his illness. Many times he was discouraged but he did not lose hope. Eventhough after every interview they will say "no" to him. By the encouragements from his mom, girlfriend and the people knows him, he applied to a school and this time the principla really appreciate his determination to teach. So, he was accepted. On his first day to teach, some of his students laugh at him and even tease him. But beacause of determination to teach he never give up and surrender. Until his pupils accepted him and loved him. He was awarded as the teacher of the year because of his love and determination to teach evevthough he has a tourette syndrome.

-Scene that struck me most-

The scene that struck me most is when the principal where Brad Cohen trasnfeered called him in front of his teachers, friends and schoolmates and asked him he is always making such funny noise. Then the principal asked of what must they do to help him. Then he answered, that he only wants to treat him like a normal person. After he have said that, all the people stand up and clap their hands for him.
I like this scene because, it really moved me that eventhough he has an illness, he also is a person created by God and that we should treat and accept this kind of people because that is all they want from us. Not to act as if they are aliens.

- Strategies used-

The teaching strategies used by Mr. Cohen is that you can see in his eyes the way he handles his class, that he love what he is doing, he really feel it and that very important if you are teaching. H eputs his self in the situation based on his topic. He acts like he is still a child to get the attention of his students. He talks like a child while teaching and give jokes to make his class fun and not boring. Asking questions is also his strategy while teaching. What Mr. Brad Cohen's strategies used while teaching is very important and effective. I like the way how he teaches his students.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral palsy is one of the most common congenital (existing before birth or at birth) disorders of childhood. About 500,000 children and adults of all ages in the United States have the condition.
The three types of CP are:
  1. spastic cerebral palsy — causes stiffness and movement difficulties
  2. athetoid cerebral palsy — leads to involuntary and uncontrolled movements
  3. ataxic cerebral palsy — causes a disturbed sense of balance and depth perception
Cerebral palsy affects muscle control and coordination, so even simple movements — like standing still — are difficult. Other vital functions that also involve motor skills and muscles — such as breathing, bladder and bowel control, eating, and learning — may also be affected when a child has CP. Cerebral palsy does not get worse over time.

Tourette syndrome (TS)

Tourette syndrome (TS) is a neurological disorder characterized by repetitive, stereotyped, involuntary movements and vocalizations called tics. The disorder is named for Dr. Georges Gilles de la Tourette, the pioneering French neurologist who in 1885 first described the condition in an 86-year-old French noblewoman.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


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