Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Learning Episode in Squijor

As a future teacher, I realized that I should think for some creative ways where students could learn effectively. The field trip we had in Siquijor was meaningful. We enjoyed as well as we learned.
When we were in the place, we had a short get together with two of the school's produced teacher. Ruben Lopez is a Math and is now working in Larena, Siquijor as a teacher. Roxell Sumagang is a MAPEH major and is currently teaching in San Juan, Siquijor. When we had a chance to talk about their work, I asked Ruben what is the feeling of being a teacher or how it is to be a teacher? Ruben said that being a teacher is not easy especially whaen you are new because you can't say no to the request of your principal and co-teachers. Whatever taask they are going to give you, all you can do is to accept and do it. Roxell also shared to us a time when their school principal told him that he will be the representative of their school for the dance sports competition for teachers. He doesn't want to do it but he had to because he can't refuse his request. From their experiences, I learne that being a teacher, you have to be obedient to your head.
Ruben also shared some of the strategies he uses in giving exams. He would let the student write first numbers one to fifty. In giving the questions, he will not start from one, rather he will jump to other numbers. He said he is doing this because if he won't, the students won't hurry up. One time in his class, one of his students did not wear his olo uniform. He asked this student why and this student said that it is so hot and he is already uncomfortable. Then he sarcastically told all his students to take off all their uniforms to be fair for those who are wearing their polo uniforms. From this story, I have learned that teachers should not tolerate the students and that when they male mistakes or disobeyed rules, you don't have to always scold them. Sometimes you just have to let them realize their mistakes. Ruben added that if you are not sure of what you are going to do in a topic, its okay to ask for help or some suggestions from yoour co-teachers who are more experience in teaching. He said that if everytime he will discuss a new topic, he sees to it that he is prepered a day before it and he would stay at home. But if he will only give the students quizzes that day, a night before it he would go out with his friends. He told us to keep things in balance so that life will not be boring. I agree with what he said because it is right that things should be in balance that wee should not be too focused in our work. We also have to remember how to socialize with other people.
Ruben also added that your students could be your friends bit their should always be limitations. You have to put a gap between you and with your students there will be a tendency that they might disrespect you snd abuse your goodness.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

As a future teacher, I realized that I should think for some creative ways where students could learn effectively. The field trip we had in Siquijor was meaningful. We enjoyed as well as we learned.
When we were in the place, we had a short get together with two of the school's produced teachers. Ruben Lopez is a Math major and is now working in Larena, Siquijor as a teacher. Roxell Sumagang is a MAPEH major and is currently teaching in San Juan, Siquijor. When we had a chance to talk about their work, I asked Ruben what is the feeling of being a teacher or how it is to be a teacher? Ruben said that being a teacher is not easy especially when you are new because you can't say no to the request of your principal and co-teachers. Whatever task they are going to give you, all you can do is to accept and do it. Roxell also shared to us a time when their school principal told him that he will be the representative of their school for the dance sports competition for teacher. He doesn't want to ddo it but he had to because he can't refuse his request. From their experiences, I learned that being a teacher, you have to be obedient to your head.
Ruben also shared some of the strategies he uses in giving exams. He would let the students write first numbers one to fifty. In giving the questions, he will not start from one, rather than he will jump to other numbers. He said he is doing this because if he won't, the students won't hurry up. One time in his class, one of his students did not wear his polo uniform. He asked this student why and this student said that it is so hot and he is already uncomfortable. Then he sarcastically told all his students to take off all their uniforms to be fair for those who are wearing their polo uniforms. From this story, i have learned that teachers should not tolerate the students and that when they make mistake or disobeyed rules, you don't have to always scold then. Sometimes, you just have to let them realize their mistakes.Ruben added that if you are not sure of what you are going to do in a topic, its okay to ask for help or some suggestion from your co-teachers who are more experienced in teaching. He said that if every time he will discuss a new topic, he sees to it that he is prepared a day before it and he would stay at home. But if he will only give the students quizzes that day, a night before it he would go out with his friends. He told us to keep things in balance so that life will not be boring. I agree with what he said because it is right that things should be in balance that we should not be too focused in our work. We also have to remember how to socialize with other people.
Ruben also added that your students could be your friends but their should always be limitations. You have to put a gap between you and the students. He is right because if you become so close with your students, there will be a tendency that they might disrespect you and abuse your goodness.
As a future teacher, I realized that I should think for some creative ways where students could learn effectively. The field trip we had in Siquijor was meaningful. We enjoyed as well as we learned.
When we were in the place, we had a short get together with two of the school's produced teachers. Ruben Lopez is a Math major and is now working in Larena, Siquijor as a teacher. Roxell Sumagang is a MAPEH major and is currently teaching in San Juan, Siquijor. When we had a chance to talk about their work, I asked Ruben what is the feeling of being a teacher or how it is to be a teacher? Ruben said that being a teacher is not easy especially when you are new because you can't say no to the request of your principal and co-teachers. Whatever task they are going to give you, all you can do is to accept and do it. Roxell also shared to us a time when their school principal told him that he will be the representative of their school for the dance sports competition for teacher. He doesn't want to ddo it but he had to because he can't refuse his request. From their experiences, I learned that being a teacher, you have to be obedient to your head.
Ruben also shared some of the strategies he uses in giving exams. He would let the students write first numbers one to fifty. In giving the questions, he will not start from one, rather than he will jump to other numbers. He said he is doing this because if he won't, the students won't hurry up. One time in his class, one of his students did not wear his polo uniform. He asked this student why and this student said that it is so hot and he is already uncomfortable. Then he sarcastically told all his students to take off all their uniforms to be fair for those who are wearing their polo uniforms. From this story, i have learned that teachers should not tolerate the students and that when they make mistake or disobeyed rules, you don't have to always scold then. Sometimes, you just have to let them realize their mistakes.Ruben added that if you are not sure of what you are going to do in a topic, its okay to ask for help or some suggestion from your co-teachers who are more experienced in teaching. He said that if every time he will discuss a new topic, he sees to it that he is prepared a day before it and he would stay at home. But if he will only give the students quizzes that day, a night before it he would go out with his friends. He told us to keep things in balance so that life will not be boring. I agree with what he said because it is right that things should be in balance that we should not be too focused in our work. We also have to remember how to socialize with other people.
Ruben also added that your students could be your friends but their should always be limitations. You have to put a gap between you and the students. He is right because if you become so close with your students, there will be a tendency that they might disrespect you and abuse your goodness.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Learning Episode in Siquijor

It was a great and memorable experienced that happened into my life. As I was listening to Roxel and Rueben while their were sharing their different experiences while teaching, it really came into my mind that I must do my best because this is what I want, this is what I love, and that is to teach. Yes, I admit that taking a Secondary Education was my first choice but not in the field of becoming a MAPEH teacher. But as time goes by, as the years passed by, I'm starting to love and treat the subject as my first choice. As what Roxel said, when he was just starting he's first day of class, he wants to cry and go home and not to come back anymore, but he did not do it, simply because he was thinking of his students. I really appreciate what he did. According to Rueben also, you have to be flexible enough in the sense that, if you are taking up or you are in the field of Math like Rueben it doesn't mean that you will not teach other subjects as well. If you were assigned in a school where there are many teachers were lacking, so you have to teach other subjects even though it is not in your field. This means, that you have to study the subject and try to master it if possible. There was a statement that I really liked that Rueben shared to us, and that is "if you are not sure of the topic, then you asked somebody who knows it, never pretend that you know it". Like what Rueben did, he was task to teach p.e subject in their school even though he is a Math teacher but because the school was lacking of teachers to teach p.e subject he was the one who has given the task, he has no choice but to accept the task given to him. He's topic was all about tournament, he already have an idea about the topic but he was not sure, what he did was he called Roxel and asked him about the topic that was assigned to him. Luckily, Roxel is a MAPEH teacher he teach Rueben about it. So, Rueben always studying the topic and tries his very best to teach it to his students. He told his class the truth, that he just got his ideas to someone who is an expert about the topic and that he is not so good in this kind of topic. I really agree of this situation, if I am not sure about the topic or I don't have any idea about the topic then why force myself or pretend to my students that I know it? I have to faced the reality that I am not perfect, even though I am studying I admit that sometimes I forgot what I have studied that is why it really helps to asked and to study the topic as well. I also like what Rueben did to his students, when one of his student did not wear his proper uniform, instead of scolding the student, all he did was that he take off his uniform and what was left was only his t-shirt. Then the students were asking of why he take off his uniform, them he replied, one of your classmate is doing this also, I just want to be fair to him, so now I want all the girls to take off their uniform also. All of them were shocked and one of his student the one who did not wear his uniform properly immediately wear his proper uniform. I like what he did, instead of scolding the students just think of other way, the best way or the good solution of making the students realized that what they were doing was wrong and that they have to changed it. I realized that being a teacher, you have to put yourself into the situation also, you have to be friendly to your students because teachers are the second parents to the students. You also need a bonding with your students but you have to put a limitations also that they are your students and you are their teacher. From that, you have to show respect from each other. Another thing that I've learned from their sharing is that, we have to be friendly and cooperative to our co-teachers and cooperate and do our best in whatever activities or task that has been given to us or assigned to us.
I have a lot of learnings from Roxel and Rueben, from their sharing of their experiences while teaching. It is not that really easy to become a teacher. But, if you love what you are doing, you cannot feel that you are already tired and that you want to quit. If you enjoy and love your work of being a teacher then you are an amazing teacher.
I have to be ready always and set my mind from the challenges that I will encounter while I am in my journey to become an educator someday.

Sunday, May 23, 2010


May 20, 2010

At 1p.m i went to the ticketing booth of Montenegro Lines to buy the fast craft ticket for Siquijor that will leave at 6:00 p.m, since i was early i decided to join ms. layson and ms.k buying some things for our trip. we will be meeting at the dumaguete port at 5:00p.m,when we all arrive we found out that the Montenegro Lines had cancel it's trip to larena siquijor because of some technical problems. we decided to refund the ticket and purchase tickets from the the ocean jet that will depart from dumaguete at exactly 7:00p.m and arrive in siquijor siquijor at past 8:00p.m, since our trip had been delayed we decided that we take our dinner before we rode the boat, we had our dinner at the Negros Lechon manok, eat our dinner and return immediately return to the port and wait for the ocean jet,atlast the boat had arrived and unload the passengers, then we line up to rode the ocean jet. when im in the boat i feel dizzy i tried to control it until we arrived at the siquijor port at almost 9:00p.m heheheheh i survive the trip without puking it's the first time that i rode a boat without taking a medicine...

when we arrive at the port Ruben Lopez ,cho cho and Roxel Sumagang are waiting, they are our tour guides in this trip. it is my first time in siquijr island so i expected lots of cool views and scenery. when we arrive and meet ruben, cho cho and roxel we went directly to the Blue Wave Resort, unpack our things, quick change of clothes and we went to san juan the place of roxel,we went to a small bar and have some drinks and dancing which i hated but since ms.k is there i just stand on the dance floor and dance a little bit. after our drinking and dancing we decided to go to larena and watch the live band competition. after watching we decided to go to the resort and finish our night with drinking and sharing teaching experiences by ruben and roxel, after they share their experiences question came into my mind( can i be a good teacher?...can i teach students with different attitudes and backgrounds? and lots of things... even before i sleep i still think of this questions....

day 2

on our second day of our trip we wake up at 8am, we take a bath and pack somethings for our tour in siquijor, we ate at the pier and then after our first stop is bandilaan, we travel for 45 minutes more or less. the entire coastline of the island can be viewed in the tower of bandilaan, we took some pictures of the view and then we travel again to our next destination which i forget the name of the falls, the views are amazing their are lots of trees and lots of local people who are relaxing in the same place, the water is so relaxing that we stayed their for almost an hour. the funniest moment in that falls is when wilfred attempted to jump it took more than 20 minutes before he jump...heheheheheh

and ofter relaxing in that place we went to the oldest church in siquijor take some pics and continue our tour in the island. and after our pictorial in the old church we went to beach resort where we swim in the beautiful white sand beach that they have and let our muscle relax. after swimming in the beautiful white sand beach we rode our motorcycles and decided to to the resort we are staying, on our way to the resort we bought fish lechon manok and rice for our dinner in the resort, when we arrive to the resort we took a shower, wash the dirty clothes that we had and we cook the fresh fish that we bought on the way. after eating they share more teaching experiences that they had and at around 10pm ruben and roxel go home to rest but we continue discussing some matters with ms.k. this trip is not just a trip their are many things that i have learned on this trip and many teaching strategies that i have learned that i can't learn in the four walls of our school. we rest at around 2 pm .....end of day two

Day 3

the last day of our trip to siquijor, we wake up at 9am take our breakfast and we swim in the white sand beach of the resort, take some pictures and we took a shower for our trip to larena. we will be having our lunch at larena after eating we went directly to the port to buy the boarding ticket of the ocean jet and rode the boat..this is the part which i hated the most because i fell dizzy when i'm in a boat. it took 45min and then atlast back to the real world.....

wala nako ma say!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!thank you

Friday, April 23, 2010

what is your realization after reading Mr.Braile's life story and his disability? answer: (wilfred)

Its very hard to live with a disability, most specially when you are blind, you don't even got a chance to see how beautiful and colorful the world is. Trying to understand with his situation i've learned that its hard adjusting with the fact that we must learn to survive by our own way. I'm trully amazed by his works because he has done something remarkable that a normal person can't even do. What i'm trying to pertain is that i as a normal human being having the complete senses, i just can't understand why people having disabilities have to be more blessed than we are but what i have come to realize is that we normal persons just don't know how to use our skills. Another thing is that people who have disabilities are highly motivated because of their situation.

Mr. Braille has given a very big contribution to the people who has been needing his invention and people under his situation is trully blessed for they don't have to have dificulty in some certain things like reading their name.

Day 4(Steady Eddy-Celebral Palsy)

Steady Eddy is the stage name of Christopher Widdows, an Aystrian comedian and actor with Celebral palsy. Initially, Widdows used his disability as the basis for his comedy. Having since made a name for himself, he has branched out beyond humour based solely around his disability.

1992 - his career began, with appearances on Australia TV\s Nine Network The Midday Show and days later, Seven Network's Tonight Live with Steve Vizard.

1993 - saw him touring with his show, "Ready Steady Go!"
1994 - brought the International Melbourne Comedy Festival where has was rewarded with a Young Austrian Achivers Award.
1999 - Steady Eddy was master of ceremonies for the national tour by supergroup Midnight Oil.
2004 - Eddy co-starred as Trevor in the Austrian made comedy.

This had not been the kind of rock 'n' roll gig Steady Eddy prefers. A comic who suffers from celebral palsy and whose condition is an integral part of his act, can't always count on the sympathy factor when it comes to playing for laughs. He was working as a Navy storeman when he saw his sister perform at Sydney's Comedy Store and thought he'd try open-mike spot himself. He got more comfident as his material became more outrageous. Aged 25, he is currently in possession of Australia's awards for Best New Wave Comic, Best Stand-up Performer and Best Comedy Album.

He may be at pains to be seen as a taboo-breaker, but he is just as intensely aware of his marketability. Ask him why his material concentrates almost exclusively on his disability and you receive two replies. First, The comedy's got to come from your own personal experiences; if it doesn't, it's not you, it's manufactured.

He recalls his childhood: 'My teachers told me I had to be inconspicuous to fit into the mainstream of society...yet every every morning a bus would pick me up with 'Spastic Center' written down the side.' Instead of berating him, perhaps we should just recognize that this is one brave disabled man's attempt to stand up and be counted.

when did i have courage, moral courage & moral cowardice?

when i had the courage to tell the truth from speaking out, who stole my mothers money. Its something that you will feel guilty of not telling the truth. Its bad that you would steal from someones money and so I had felt something moral because it bothered my conscience that i have done the right thing but the wrong thing though when it lasted for almost two days after I told the truth. . . .

agatha christie

Agatha Christie was a prolific and extremely popular British author and playwright best known for her work in the murder mystery genre. From her first novel in 1920, The Mysterious Affair at Styles, to the reprints of her novels that still appear today, some 30 years after her death, Agatha Christie's works have enjoyed unparalleled success. But while Christie and her favorite characters, Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple, have become icons of "who dunnit" detective fiction, the scope of Christie's popularity is such that that sales of her books have not only surpassed that of any other mystery writer, but of all other writers of any genre. Not even William Shakespeare has been so widely read. In fact, according to the Guinness Book of World Records over 2 billion copies of her books have sold and her works have been translated into more than 100 languages. Only the Christian Bible has outstripped her in readership.

Agatha Christie - Had a learning disability called dysgraphia, which prevented an understood or legible written work. As a result, all materials had to be dictated to a typist/transcriptionist.

It is official: famous mystery novelist Agatha Christie suffered from Alzheimer's.

Lancashire, who is a professor of English, and Hirst, who is a computer scientist, have combined humanities and science to give conclusive proof of Agatha's Alzheimer's-related dementia during the final years of her life.But she was old when she got her sickness called alzheimer's, when she was young, she had a sickness called epilepsy but there are rare documentations that has not been published yet about her epilepsy.

As what i have understood from what i have read from the different informations given by the net is that:

Having Epilepsy should not be a barrier to your aspirations and dreams. You can be whatever you want to be. You can achieve your goals if you stay positive…. don’t dwell on what you can’t do, focus your efforts on what you can do.

there's one article though said that (about agatha christie) one thing that keeps her being motivated was her family.

There are a lot of illness and failures that came to her life but still she kept forcing herself but she really loves her work, its actually one thing that would make you excel, its actually the love and interest of your work.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


..when his father and mother get separated and he became the oldest man of the family then. Through fighting his disability. Eventhough he is not that good in his academic but still he tried his best to finish his studies. He even join a wrestling team but because of an injury he decided to do something else and that is acting. He does not think of his disability, instead he just act and think that he is a normal person despite of his disability. As a future teacher, I realize that if ever I have this kind of students in my class I should not treat them or judge them because of their disabilities. Instead, I will give more attention to them, for them to think that they belong to the class despite of their disability. Patience is important this time.