Monday, May 24, 2010

Learning Episode in Siquijor

It was a great and memorable experienced that happened into my life. As I was listening to Roxel and Rueben while their were sharing their different experiences while teaching, it really came into my mind that I must do my best because this is what I want, this is what I love, and that is to teach. Yes, I admit that taking a Secondary Education was my first choice but not in the field of becoming a MAPEH teacher. But as time goes by, as the years passed by, I'm starting to love and treat the subject as my first choice. As what Roxel said, when he was just starting he's first day of class, he wants to cry and go home and not to come back anymore, but he did not do it, simply because he was thinking of his students. I really appreciate what he did. According to Rueben also, you have to be flexible enough in the sense that, if you are taking up or you are in the field of Math like Rueben it doesn't mean that you will not teach other subjects as well. If you were assigned in a school where there are many teachers were lacking, so you have to teach other subjects even though it is not in your field. This means, that you have to study the subject and try to master it if possible. There was a statement that I really liked that Rueben shared to us, and that is "if you are not sure of the topic, then you asked somebody who knows it, never pretend that you know it". Like what Rueben did, he was task to teach p.e subject in their school even though he is a Math teacher but because the school was lacking of teachers to teach p.e subject he was the one who has given the task, he has no choice but to accept the task given to him. He's topic was all about tournament, he already have an idea about the topic but he was not sure, what he did was he called Roxel and asked him about the topic that was assigned to him. Luckily, Roxel is a MAPEH teacher he teach Rueben about it. So, Rueben always studying the topic and tries his very best to teach it to his students. He told his class the truth, that he just got his ideas to someone who is an expert about the topic and that he is not so good in this kind of topic. I really agree of this situation, if I am not sure about the topic or I don't have any idea about the topic then why force myself or pretend to my students that I know it? I have to faced the reality that I am not perfect, even though I am studying I admit that sometimes I forgot what I have studied that is why it really helps to asked and to study the topic as well. I also like what Rueben did to his students, when one of his student did not wear his proper uniform, instead of scolding the student, all he did was that he take off his uniform and what was left was only his t-shirt. Then the students were asking of why he take off his uniform, them he replied, one of your classmate is doing this also, I just want to be fair to him, so now I want all the girls to take off their uniform also. All of them were shocked and one of his student the one who did not wear his uniform properly immediately wear his proper uniform. I like what he did, instead of scolding the students just think of other way, the best way or the good solution of making the students realized that what they were doing was wrong and that they have to changed it. I realized that being a teacher, you have to put yourself into the situation also, you have to be friendly to your students because teachers are the second parents to the students. You also need a bonding with your students but you have to put a limitations also that they are your students and you are their teacher. From that, you have to show respect from each other. Another thing that I've learned from their sharing is that, we have to be friendly and cooperative to our co-teachers and cooperate and do our best in whatever activities or task that has been given to us or assigned to us.
I have a lot of learnings from Roxel and Rueben, from their sharing of their experiences while teaching. It is not that really easy to become a teacher. But, if you love what you are doing, you cannot feel that you are already tired and that you want to quit. If you enjoy and love your work of being a teacher then you are an amazing teacher.
I have to be ready always and set my mind from the challenges that I will encounter while I am in my journey to become an educator someday.

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