Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Learning Episode in Squijor

As a future teacher, I realized that I should think for some creative ways where students could learn effectively. The field trip we had in Siquijor was meaningful. We enjoyed as well as we learned.
When we were in the place, we had a short get together with two of the school's produced teacher. Ruben Lopez is a Math and is now working in Larena, Siquijor as a teacher. Roxell Sumagang is a MAPEH major and is currently teaching in San Juan, Siquijor. When we had a chance to talk about their work, I asked Ruben what is the feeling of being a teacher or how it is to be a teacher? Ruben said that being a teacher is not easy especially whaen you are new because you can't say no to the request of your principal and co-teachers. Whatever taask they are going to give you, all you can do is to accept and do it. Roxell also shared to us a time when their school principal told him that he will be the representative of their school for the dance sports competition for teachers. He doesn't want to do it but he had to because he can't refuse his request. From their experiences, I learne that being a teacher, you have to be obedient to your head.
Ruben also shared some of the strategies he uses in giving exams. He would let the student write first numbers one to fifty. In giving the questions, he will not start from one, rather he will jump to other numbers. He said he is doing this because if he won't, the students won't hurry up. One time in his class, one of his students did not wear his olo uniform. He asked this student why and this student said that it is so hot and he is already uncomfortable. Then he sarcastically told all his students to take off all their uniforms to be fair for those who are wearing their polo uniforms. From this story, I have learned that teachers should not tolerate the students and that when they male mistakes or disobeyed rules, you don't have to always scold them. Sometimes you just have to let them realize their mistakes. Ruben added that if you are not sure of what you are going to do in a topic, its okay to ask for help or some suggestions from yoour co-teachers who are more experience in teaching. He said that if everytime he will discuss a new topic, he sees to it that he is prepered a day before it and he would stay at home. But if he will only give the students quizzes that day, a night before it he would go out with his friends. He told us to keep things in balance so that life will not be boring. I agree with what he said because it is right that things should be in balance that wee should not be too focused in our work. We also have to remember how to socialize with other people.
Ruben also added that your students could be your friends bit their should always be limitations. You have to put a gap between you and with your students there will be a tendency that they might disrespect you snd abuse your goodness.

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