Wednesday, April 21, 2010

scenes which strucked me most

1. The scene which strucked me most was when he applied for about 24 schools but then none of them accepted him but when he applied for the 25th, he was accepted.- I was touched by this scene because he showed his determination to be a teacher. Though there were a lot of people who discriminated him, he never gave up because he really wants to reach his dream.

2. The scene when he was in a concert and he was asked by the teacher to go up the stage and let him explain why he is acting such behavior and after that he was accepted by the students as a normal person.- In this scene, he showed courage in facing the rest of the students and explained his condition and it is not easy to do this. We should not judge and make fun of people the same with his condition because it is not easy to be living like them.

1 comment:

  1. Was there a time in you life wherein either you were making fun of somebody? if not have you seen this happening in you high school? if so.... discuss it to us of what transpired....
