Wednesday, April 21, 2010

movie review and reflection by: wilfred duran

Movie Review

The movie about Brad Cohen is a particular movie that pertains to an inspiring story that talks about some realities of life that would somehow relate to some events in our lives. This is actually a true story about Brad Cohen, he was still young when he discovered his sickness, and he noticed a very unusual movement it was like his having a hick up all the time but it was not said that he is not normal, but he is even intelligent in certain ways. It was truly unacceptable when he knew that there was no cure to this kind of sickness, so he might have to live in it the sickness called Tourette syndrome. It’s actually a rare kind of sickness that has a neurological disorder found in the brain. In school he was considered as a “joker” or somehow even called a “clown” because of his act. A lot of people couldn’t understand what he is having even his teachers so he is always sent to the principal’s office crying but he was not given sympathy all the time. His very lucky to have his mother to comfort him at times of problem but the sad part was that his father couldn’t accept his sickness also, because Mr. Cohen is a kind of person that could fix everything except through his son’s disorder. But as time passes he tried to realize that it was not Brad Cohen’s fault that he had that sickness but maybe it was him who gave it to his son.

Brad Cohen was sent to different schools that could maybe accept him of what he really is having until such time in one school; again still his teachers couldn’t understand why he was so irritating to interrupt their lesson so he was sent to the principal’s office. Questions were asked about his sickness and then brad clearly and politely explained. So as the principal finished asking he asked Brad to join and watch the musical concert on that afternoon and Brad is expected to be there as the principal favored him to do so. The program was actually about listening to the music quietly but as soon as the musical concert started brad’s irritating hick-ups drives the audience crazy, as soon as the music ends, the principal made some comments about what just happened and so he asked Brad to come up on stage to explain. So Brad politely explained it to them and so the mad crowd started to understand why, the only thing that brad wanted was to be treated normally not bullied around by those students who are ignorant. The audience was shocked and felt sympathy to the child. It was truly inspiring for Brad to be accepted in that school because of that certain principal who knows how to handle things that are quite confusing for others to understand.

Brad loves to learn, learning was his passion and it created a dedication to finish a profession of becoming a teacher. Its really hard living with a Tourette syndrome planted in your brain, Brad was even having a hard time reading because the “hick-ups” starts to tolerate but it didn’t stop him to keep going. As soon as he graduated, more challenges approaches. He had a good background, it really shows how determined he is to become a teacher. He had a hard time looking for a job not because of his resume or his background of being a student teacher before the only thing that matters was his Tourette syndrome. He was always called for an interview, there were good times and there were bad times, but it was not really going on for him that time, he was almost broke, there are really times that he would certainly give up because of his sickness. So in order to keep going he needs money but it didn’t mean he would ask for one, so he applied a job to his father. Almost all the schools found in each town in their state were applied by brad. Until such time, he got his last interview across town it was a good interview they’ve lasted and talked for almost two hours talking about his teaching philosophies etc… again he educated them about tourette syndrome but the principal and the assistant principal was not minding the sickness at all they were more focused on how he would teach and let his students learn from him. As what his step mother had said to him he would not consider tourette as a sickness but as a gift for him to exceed success. And yet he was called twice on that certain school it was not the principal who interviewed him that day it was the faculty teachers, and so as the teachers not knowing he has a disorder, one teacher asked how would he teach his students to learn while having that certain disorder. So Brad explained politely with wise explanation, and yet it was a good interview. It was not just that was going on for him, he had even met a girl in the net, this girl that he had met was different from the others, and this girl accepted Brad as if he has no tourette. They even have their common favourite artists. Everything was preferably going on for brad despite of those trials that came. He got the job; he is now Mr. Cohen the second grade teacher, on his first day he was called as a “weirdo” teacher but as soon as Brad had educated them with his tourette, his students come to realize that it was not irritating at all. Brad applied different strategies as what he had learnt before; he also prescribed discipline to his class. One sad thing though, when one of his class died because of another sickness.

There are a lot of things that brad isn’t allowed to join or do, but living with an imperfect life isn’t that difficult as long as you have the determination; one thing that keeps him from not falling was his family. Brad has patience, humility, courage, self confidence, passion to teach, dedication, respect, acceptance, and motivation. And so not far behind his first year as a second grade teacher he was awarded as the best teacher of the year and got married with Mary that he had met in the net. As time passes his succeeding life is excelling not knowing tourette as a sickness but as a gift.

Wilfred Joseph F. Duran BSED - III

My reflection

I’ve come to realize that a teacher having a student like Brad Cohen is difficult yet they are sent to school to learn and be educated as we are. For me, it is certainly a fact that we must treat them normally, yet I’m very lucky to know this kind of people so that I would learn to accept and would also let people understand why there are persons different from us. As long as he/she is willing to learn any knowledge and I as a teacher would definitely make ways to let them strive hard and surpass things that are needed to reach success.

What has trucked me most in the movie was when Brad Cohen won Best teacher of the year, despite of his sufferings and trials he had reached a goal that a normal teacher could not.

Knowledge isn’t actually for the rich or who has the normal intellect but it’s for everyone who shares a difference of counting the blessings of God, each and every one of us has a good destination but only on the right choice we make.

Wilfred Joseph F. Duran BSED - III

1 comment:

  1. The fundamental importance of teaching strategies is to make it easier to implement a variety of teaching methods and techniques. Here you will find a variety of teaching strategies to help students take more responsibility for their own learning and enhance the process of teaching for learning. The key is to create learning environments that are more interactive, to integrate technology where applicable into the learning experience, and to use collaborative learning strategies when appropriate.

    It all depends on the teacher.... how he/she resourceful and dedicated he/she is to the teaching profession.... how dedicated are you?
